Agricultural Audiences

Denis is no clueless city boy. In fact, he’s not a city boy at all. Though his work often takes him downtown, his home town is in rural Ontario. Indeed, there aren’t a lot of standup comics who have to feed the ducks and shut in the laying hens before they head out to do a show. Rural audiences react enthusiastically to a brand of humour that’s just as likely to be inspired by a classified ad in a small-town newspaper as by headlines in the Globe and Mail.

Denis’s Agricultural Clients Include:


See Denis’s farm-friendly comedy

Liven Up Your Next Event

We enjoyed the show immensely. It was good, clean fun. It was nice to have you come in with a general idea of what we do and go through every day. I’m sure there was a bonding moment. Many told us they especially enjoyed the personal approach to your act.
O’Rourke Transport Inc